Suggestions to help increase reading speed

By: Kim Allarie
It has been proven that anyone can increase reading speed as long as they have the desire to improve, the willingness to try new techniques, and the motivation to practice. Of course, you will have to understand what you are reading in order to increase the rate at which you can read it. As long as you have the necessary vocabulary and comprehension skills it should be a breeze to increase reading speed.

Most adults are able to increase their reading rate considerably and rather quickly without lowering their comprehension. Simply reading faster, without actually improving your basic reading habits, usually results in lowering your comprehension. If you increase your rate of reading but lower your comprehension, you have really not succeeded in your goal to learn to speed read.

There are many factors that may result in slower reading: the lack of practice in reading, the fear of losing comprehension of the material, if you are worried about not understanding what you are reading. Any or all of these concerns may make you read more slowly. Another reason for slower speed is regression; this is the needless and unconscious act of re-reading words or sentences.

Perhaps your ability to read word by word is limited, or you could be having problems recognizing some of the words. Another big problem for readers is faulty eye movement. This can happen when your eyes wander over the page. Your eyes may want to keep sweeping over the page instead of staying on track with where you are supposed to be.

There are four basic steps to follow in order to improve reading speed. The first is to simply have your eyes checked. Secondly, you will need to eliminate the habit of pronouncing words as you read them. The third step is to concentrate on key words and meaningful ideas as you force yourself to read faster. The last thing that will cause you to read much slower is regressing. If you are regressing while you are reading then you are re-reading everything you just read.

Here are a couple of ideas which you can try in order to increase reading speed. The first is to preview the material; you will want to take a look at the main headings, chapter divisions, and the other relevant material. You should try adjusting your speed as well. Slow down when you need to in order to be sure that you understand the section you are reading. Speed up when you are already familiar with the content or you really don't need to know it. The last technique for you to try is taking in many words in a line all at once.

If you practice these techniques, you should be able to find success in your attempts to increase reading speed, without compromising your understanding of the material.

No matter what your current level of reading and comprehension is, there are plenty of speed reading techniques that can help you improve reading speed while improving your ability to comprehend the material. Discover more at Learn to Speed Read.

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