Sasken freshers BSC,MSC,MCA@Ernakulam

an embedded communications Solutions Company, that helps businesses across the communications value chain accelerate product development life cycles


The candidate would be working with the technical team for Operation,Integration & Maintainance

Selection Process:
Online Test (C programming & Aptitude )
Group Discussion
Technical Interview
HR Interview.

Eligibility Criteria:
2010, 2011 & 2012 Batches BSc, BCA Graduates & MSc,MCA candidates.
BSc[ Computer Science(CS) / Information Technology(IT) ] candidates only.
MSc[ Computer Science(CS) / Information Technology(IT) ] candidates only.
60% or above in BSc / BCA / MSc / MCA.
No Current arrears/ backlogs-Those who have cleared arrears are eligible
Outside kerala students are also Eligible

Salary & Bond:
1.8 LPA
3 yrs of Bond with Sasken. If the candidate wants to leave/quit in between they will have to pay 1,50000 prior to leaving the employment with Sasken as that cost would be incured for the training of each candidate.
Work Location:
To Apply Click Here